Granny not allowed to vote for Brexit because she was ‘Inappropriately Dressed"

UK: A 68 year old grand mother and an ardent Brexit supporter Teresa Hicks, was shocked when she was told she wont be allowed to vote because she was inappropriately dressed, during Thursday Brexit referendum to determine if the UK should remain a part of the EU or not.

The granny said a polling staff walked up to her and told her and told her, she wont be allowed to cast her ballot because of the manner of her dressing. 
Teresa who was seen wearing a Union Jack glasses and flags attached to a headband added that she was told she could be reported to the police if she doesn't leave the polling venue at once. 
“I was just in the queue and this man came up to me and said ‘you are inappropriately dressed’ so I asked if they’d send somebody away with a burka on? “I even offered to put a coat around the poster which I had around my waist but they just said ‘no’.
 “I went outside but the same man told me if I didn’t leave leave the premises he was going to call the police. I did leave but it wasn’t right. “I think it’s disgusting, said Teresa
 “I went back a short time later. “I took the banners off but kept everything else on.“There were a few people in the queue this time and the same man came over to me. He said ‘I told you this morning you can’t come in like that’ she said.
“He went over and talked to some other staff but they let me vote. “I can’t believe I had to go through all this just to vote. “It’s my right. “This referendum is not like voting in the local elections – this vote on the EU is so important.
“Say I was Indian and I was in a Sari would they turn me away? “If someone was in a Burka would they sent them away? “I think it was discrimination” she added.

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