Brexit: 1.1 million Britons petition UK government for a second referendum

UK: Majority of Britons seems not to be okay with Britain exiting the EU after more than 1.1 million people signed an online petition persuading the British government to hold a second referendum on Britain's EU membership.
The online petition to parliament said the government should;
 "implement a rule that if the remain or leave vote is less than 60 per cent, based a turnout less than 75 per cent, there should be another referendum".
Recall that 52 percent majority voted to leave as against 48 percent who voted to Remain.
Parliament is required to "consider for debate" all petitions with more than 100,000 signatures.
British  Prime Minister David Cameron who resigned from his position as Prime Minister on Friday, noted that a second referendum would be unlikely.

In another development, Over 100,000 people has signed another petition urging London Mayor Sadiq Khan to declare London an independent state from Britain and join the European Union.
According to the petition on, "London is an international city, and we want to remain at the heart of Europe."

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