Transgender crowned Thailand beauty queen

Thailand crowns transgender beauty queen in one of the world's largest transgender beauty pageants Miss Tiffany Universe.  Jiratchaya Sirimongkolnawin 29, was crowned Miss Universe Thailand 2016 on friday night after beating other contestants at the extravaganza in Pattaya city of Chonburi province.

Jiratchaya is a model and fashion designer who formerly studied dental Health at Srinakharinwirot University, and is the face for beauty centers.

The Miss Tiffany show has been held annually since 2004 in Pattaya at the Tiffany's Show Theatre, known for its transvestite cabaret shows, and has been hailed as a mark of tolerance in the majority Buddhist nation.
To be eligible to enter the contest, participants must be aged between 17 and 25 and born male, though they can be at any stage of gender reassignment and surgery.

"The Board of Directors selected from the beautiful women from across the country, 30 finalists under the theme of 'Lifespiration'," the organisers posted on their Facebook Page, explaining that the contestants had to prove their beauty, brains and personality were inspiring to others.
As well as being dubbed the most beautiful "third gender" in the country, Jiratchaya received a cash prize of 150,000 baht ($A5821), an 800,000-baht car, and vouchers for aesthetic treatments at hospitals valued at more than 110,000 baht.

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