Eno Michael Bo Itoro remix hits 150,000 downloads.
With over 150,000
downloads within 3 weeks of releasing the song, Bo Itoro (Remix) has
recorded numerous testimonies of healing, breakthroughs, restoration and
divine worship experiences.
Read more: https://www.naij.com/812417-bo-itoro-remix-eno-michael.html
the hit song Bo Itoro remix by Eno Michael has had over 150,000 downloads within 3 weeks since it was first released. The song is said to have also has recorded Read more: https://www.naij.com/812417-bo-itoro-remix-eno-michael.html
numerous testimonies of healing, breakthroughs, restoration and divine worship experiences.
The Ibibio worship song is a life-changing Psalm written by Eno Michael featuring Utibe Williams an exceptionally skilled and talented saxophonist and mastered by distinguished producer Rotimi Keys.
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